Osteoporosis – Diagnosis and Treatment


Diagnosis and Treatment


Osteoporosis is degrading of the bones. It happens over time it's not something that happens immediately.

Most people only find out they have Osteoporosis when they actually break a bone which may well be the hip bone or possible wrist due to a fall.

you can also have this complaint in your vertebra which would eventually cause you to be in a stooped posture.

The problem is diagnosed when you go to hospital.

Broken Bones

Are often the first signs of this condition when you are older you can have the bent forward posture, this is caused when the bones in the spine have broken and you have difficulty supporting the weight of your body.

There is medication that you can take to help strengthen your bones.

If you look at the causes of bone degradation you will see that one of the main factors is having an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia on top of which a low body mass index and not exercising regularly will contribute.

To determine whether you have this condition or not you can have a bone density scan which will measure your bone strength.

The result can be measured against a healthy body and the difference can be calculated and is called a standard deviation and is know as the T score.

I do not intend to go into this condition in detail here since I am not a medical man and it is much better if you follow one of the two links below.

Either the Mayo clinic which is in the United States or the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, they will better explain this bone condition, it's diagnosis and treatment, than I can so please follow the links.

NHS - Bone Disease
Care at Mayo Clinic
You may also like to look at the Royal Osteoporosis Society

Why do young women develope Anorexia?

Why do young women develop

Anorexia ?

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By Englishman in Bohol
Anorexia - I have been doing some research into eating disorders and my emphasis has been mostly on young women who seem to be most prone to this problem.

I believe when we are in our late teens or early twenties we are looking for an identity, a self, and we often tend to try and imitate our chosen role models.

For me this happened to be Sean Connery, his depiction of James Bond as 007 in the adaptations of Ian Fleming's Bond books caught my imagination.

He was so suave, well-dressed ,very male and didn't let anybody put him down. He was the master of his own life and this had an impression on me. Not that I ever joined MI5 or MI6!

In the few paragraphs below I have talked about Bulimia and Anorexia and I hope it will help point out some of the problems that the young women of today have as they seek their identity and maybe imitate their role models which are usually film stars or models.

These days it's just a likely to be influencers on facebook or instagram etc., most of whom seem to be unbelievably slim.

There is a course always an exception to the rule and maybe the kardashian sisters are a good example. They do have exceptionally large behinds Maybe with help!

Bulimia Nervosa

is thought to be linked to past emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, low-self esteem I suspect there is more to it than that.....

When I was young I had some winklepicker shoes I also had some with Cuban heels this was following the trend of The Beatles and the like.

Today is no different as young women are being influenced by models walking down the catwalk being so thin, and size and appearance are equated to beauty, which of course is not the true.

We have to reminded ourselves that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" it has very little to do with size or appearance since we all have our own opinion as to what is beautyful.

For me I like a bit of meat on a woman. Girls, for what it is worth, I think it is all in the head. If you have fallen into this trap I know you can climb out of it.

You may need help but I know deep down you are strong, you will succeed, do not give up, you are tough and when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Anorexic Girls 2
This leads to problems like Bulimia and Anorexia and I believe Anita Roddick of The Body Shop fame was campaigning against this trend in cosmetic companies.

Equating beauty to thinness and appearance and promoting this unrealistic body size as a goal which young people think they have to follow if they want to be beautiful and accepted in society.

Bulimia Nervosa as it is correctly termed is considered serious and possibly life-threatening. It's an eating disorder which runs in a cycle of a binge eating and then self-induced vomiting to somehow bring the effects of the binge eating back to normal.

The victim in this case usually wants to replicate their "Cat Walk" idols and are concerned with putting on weight, unfortunately this behaviour leads to weight loss and if this continues it could lead to death.

You must guard yourself against becoming addicted to this behaviour and food or fad diets that include entire food groups being cut-out are not healthy.

Cutting out sugar, dairy products, carbohydrates, veganism and vegetarianism lead to a deficiency of minerals and vitamins which you body needs, you must avoid this.

Bulimia Nervosa has some serious health consequences.

Continued Binge and Purge Cycles will affect the entire digestive system and leads to electrolyte and chemical imbalances they can affect major organs in the body, such as the heart.

Generally our bodies are resilient to the stress of eating disorders like Bulimia but an electrolyte imbalance can, without warning, kill.

Cardiac arrest can also be a result of this problem therefore it's important to understand how these eating disorders affect you and not be sucked into this desire to be like your favourite very thin model.


Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia and Anorexia

to the layman appear to be the same or at least very similar but to the professional they are not.

I am no medical professional so do not pretend to understand the the difference in any detail, to me they just fall under the same category of Eating Disorder.

Anorexia, is also a life-threatening complaint and tends to be a problem in young women around the age of say 14 to 20, the age of puberty and it's characterized by self starvation in order to lose weight.

People with Anorexia may often be hungry but refuse to eat anything, they have an intense fear of becoming fat and see themselves as fat even when they are, to the rest of the world, obviously very thin.

The risk of developing Anorexia tends to fall on people who are wanting to be models or dancers.

They tend to be higher achievers, perfectionists and obsessive

The exact cause of Anorexia is not known but it has been suggested that a combination of personality traits, biological and environmental factors may partly be responsible.

The Anorexic patient often use their eating habits as a way of gaining control over their lives, they have a feeling of inadequacy, low self esteem and can have troubled relationships.

It may be that there is possibly a history of being teased at school about their size or weight.

Pressure from society these days also adds to the impression that the individual is overweight because thinness and appearance are associated with beauty.

Is this why young girls tend to be the main suffers from this eating disorder?

Some researchers believe that Anorexia Nervosa runs in families and this would suggest that this eating disorder may be hereditary.

If Anorexia Nervosa remains untreated it can lead to some serious health issues.

Damaged internal organs especially the heart maybe the brain and the kidneys, a drop in blood pressure, a possible loss of hair, which of course just aggravates the whole situation.

Osteoporosis, a thinning of the bones, can be added to the list of problems and is not good. Electrolyte imbalance, which can cause death, and of course death from starvationl.

Suicide is also possible with somebody who has a serious case of this disorder.

The treatment for Anorexia can be a problem. In extreme cases the patient may have dehydration and malnutrition this may lead to possible kidney failure.

Treatment of Anorexia is also challenging since people with the disorder often deny they have a problem, they are terrified of becoming overweight. They may avoid treatment or help.
Bulimia Anorexia Look now
A treatment plan needs to be designed specifically for the patient in question for each patient is different.

It needs to take all the issues pertinent to the patient into consideration including emotional issues and the resulting plan may include psychotherapy, medication and nutrition counseling.

During the treatment family support is very important to it's success. In severe cases hospitalization maybe the order the day.

It is important if you think a member of your family or a friend is suffering from Anorexia or Bulimia.

If they will accept it then help needs to be offered as soon as possible as the longer it is left untreated the most difficult it becomes to fix.

It must be noted that the risk of a relapse is great if the underlying problem still remain, that is the way the patient perceives themselves.
Transformation story

There is help available if you feel you need it. Just click on one of the icons below and this will be your first step towards recovery.

Located in the USA – Treatment and support for eating problems
USA HealthFree

Located in the UK
Treatment for anorexia usually involves a combination of talking therapy and supervised weight gain.
Open Counselling Philippines

Located in the Philippines
Treatment and support for eating disorders Open Counselling Philippines